Why Mummy?

I’m so proud of my Daddy
Because he’s a soldier
I wanna be just like him
When I grow older

Daddy said at work
He does lots of practice
It must be like football
To get ready for matches

Mummy looked so sad
When Daddy got drafted
What’s it for Mummy?
I’m not sure dear, why it started

But men are being harmed
And loved ones cruelly parted
These Innocent victims
Leave families broken hearted

It’s been so long
Since my Daddy went away
I pray every night
He’ll be home on my birthday

As I looked out my window
I saw the uniform
Daddy must be home
Just a few days before

But it was another man
Standing at the door
My Mummy screamed
And collapsed to the floor

I cried all week
My birthday came at last
Instead of happy birthday
I heard the funeral march

© Jeremy Turnbull

Written by Jeremy Turnbull

September 14, 2023

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