
My most emotional moment
With shaken hand cutting your chord
Tears streamed down my face
Releasing you into the world

My life was quickly shattered
When she chose another path
I began to stumble
Our castle fully crumbled

I’ve never felt so lost
And completely terrified
But I knew I would be fine
With you by my side

There is no greater role
Than to nurture a little one
So despite my extreme pain
I had to remain strong

So I sang…….
We’ll sail on Darian
Just you and me
And we’ll conquer
The turbulent seas
We’ll sail on together
We’ll sail on forever
And find calm breeze

As a high wind manifested
And the waves showed their interest
I was tempted to surrender
To a cowardly escape from pain
Suddenly I was jolted
From the devil in disguise
For the sun beamed through
To open your sparkling eyes
From that moment on
I knew we’d survive

Sometimes I feel empty, think I’m alone
Then I see you and I am never alone
Even in my moments of weakness
I am melted by your spirit
Inspired to rise again
You’re my savior once again
We’ll sail on Darian
We’ll sail on together
We’ll sail on forever
Because I love you

Written by Jeremy Turnbull

February 12, 2024

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